Canada Dreams
The InvisiblesSize: 47 x 60 Medium: oil on canvas (sold)
Over a hundred years ago in Antigua, Guatemala, the Catholic Church demanded certain houses that were owned and inhabited by indigenous people for their priests from Spain. The Mayan people had little choice about this, they either moved out voluntarily, or were removed by force.
This particular house belonged to an indigenous (Mayan) family who were not too happy about giving over their house to a Jesuit priest. So, before they moved out, they basically filled the house with dirt and rubble and bricked up the windows which remain so to this day. Locally, the call it �la casa de la Montana�, the house of the mountain.
The faint outline of a Mayan woman�s face in her traditional headgear speaks of that resentment which continues in Guatemala today, not just towards the catholic church but towards Spanish descendents who own and control Guatemala.
Entrance to Jennifer's works

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