Les Rêves Canadiens

        This Deserted Beach

        Walking on a beach
        Sand sifting underneath our feet
        Tidal waves crashing on the rocks below
        Moon beams dancing high and low
        The sunset is far
        But still within our reach
        As we are walking on this deserted beach

        Arm in arm
        We coniniue walking
        There is no need for any talking
        We stare into the depths of each other's souls
        Our passion is on the rise
        We both hope this moment never dies
        And the novelty never gets old
        As tears of happiness well up in our eyes
        And we are shivering from the cold

        As cold as it is, we don't care
        We just need each other to be there

        No words need to be said
        Cause our feelings for each other
        Can easily be read
        I think we'll always feel this way
        As long as we stay
        Here on this deserted beach
        With the midnight sky
        And the moonbeams
        Always within our reach

Daniela's other works

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