Rêves Canadiens
Homesick, Without A Home
Being miserably alone,
though people are around
can be more painful
than being in solitary confinement.
People live with me,
only they don't understand.
Even if they listen
they still won't know.
Their ignorance of
a pain that can not be expressed.
To them or anybody
I tell not.
Only God do I tell
though he does not answer my prayer.
I pray to be swept away from
my lonesome room.
Dark and musty this old house,
not my home, just a manor.
The lord of this castle
are harsh and cruel.
By day I slave,
to comfort them further.
Sometimes I am used as
a punching bag.
Night time falls,
I rest my eyes not.
For if they were to hear me cry
I will stop immediately.
They dont wake up
from their restful slumber.
Were they to find out
the doctor would have me bed-ridden.
Other servant girls
speak to me no more.
I don't care,
they didnt listen to my pain.
I have no home,
so why am I homesick?
Why am I so alone
though people smother me?
Heidi's other works
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