Les Rêves Canadiens
Oh, I have rung the bells of heaven,
And rattled the gates of hell!
Explored the edges of frontiers fearful,
Walked battlefields where giants fell.
Ran screaming at the faces of evil,
Holding my sanity in my hands.
Got drunk with gods, and vanquished demons.
Lived in marvellous strange new lands.
Discovered wonders, discovered you,
Discovered love and laughter.
And life was good, and life was full,
And would be ever after.
But then you left, and since you're gone
I'm almost out of my mind.
And all I hold in my trembling hands,
Is the pain you left behind.
For, long ago, when I was happy
To merely be around you,
We chased each other through new frontiers.
But on a battlefield I found you.
And now I stalk the edges of darkness,
Chasing desires through my fears.
And I stay far away from battlefields.
And I try to stay away from tears.
Rick's other works
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