Canada Dreams
			               My Ego and I � A Story

					One upon a time
					many lifetimes ago
					my Ego and I were friends
					we were whole

					But the temptations were grand 
					and we fell from grace
					Our memories were erased
					Only 5% consciousness left in place

					We got battered and shattered
					and banished to the third

					Each life time we�d come back
					To start anew
					Another opportunity
					To learn the truth

					We were young
					I was frightened
					I didn�t understand
					Back in the womb
					It was perfect
					I was safe
					But anew to the world
					I needed a hand

					I kept pushing your buttons
					and making demands
					I�m hungry, I�m cold
					I don�t have what I need

					You worried and fretted
					Your job was to protect
					You came up with a plan
					A genius for your age

					I�ll help her enjoy this discomfort
					I won�t let her know
					I think it will help her
					until she can grow

					But we developed a pattern
					We got caught in a loop
					I got addicted to the pain
					The emotions and the drain
					You got drunk on your power
					You fractured into three
					You fought with the id
					The superego and me

					Each time I�d had enough
					I�d get too close to the truth
					You�d send a false message to the brain
					And we�d go round the loop again

					I�d get indignant
					I would fight
					Pshaw it�s not true I enjoy this drain
					Look how angry look how sick
					Look at all my pain
					If you think I like this 
					You�re insane
					It�s not my fault
					The other�s to blame

					You�d smile to yourself
					As we went round the loop again

					But now we are at the end of an age
					We must shed our limitations
					We must all become a sage

					We must strive for knowledge 
					For peace for love
					We must think with our hearts to rise above

					So Dear Ego
					Let us live in bliss
					We sign this contract to be limitless
					I promise to do my part
					To choose my highest good
					You promise to protect
					To show me the truth
					We let nothing pass
					That hinders our ascent
					I promise to stop bitching to blame to lament
					You promise to be neutral
					I promise to jump in
					We send the right messages for the brain to receive
					We leave the results for the higher mind to conceive

					Oh goodness Dear Ego
					I just understood
					I am you, you are me
					There is no thee
					I am whole I am good

					We are no one no body
					No thing in no time
					To enter the fifth
					We leave it all behind

					We are love we are light
					 We are gods of the flesh
					We are humble we are grace
					We have power to manifest

					We are all on this journey
					In our own unique way
					So let�s take a hand
					help each other understand

					We are love
					 we are light
					 we are heaven on earth
					together we are one

					We are every one every thing
					Every where in every time

Lucy's other works

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