Canada Dreams |
By Mickey Acorn
Friend of the family.
Garret's parents used to play cards with his parents.
All around swell guy.
Homecoming King.
One of the most well known and liked guys in school.
All around swell guy
Captain of Basketball team.
Won junior athlete of the year and was First team All-star.
All around swell guy
Senior Class president.
In charge of dances, and all other school events.
All around swell guy.
Garret's Sister.
Scene 1. A boy sits on a step smoking a cigarette, dressed in black.
Two nights ago a guy in class,
Took some bad acid alone.
He thought it'd be just a blast,
And none of us would have known.
{puffs on a cigarette}
I guess he died around 3 o'clock,
But no one in class could give a care,
If they knew it would be a shock,
That I could have a secret to share.
{puffs on a cigarette}
See Garret wasn't a bad guy,
It's that he just tried too hard.
To say I liked him would be a lie,
But our parents played the same card.
{puffs on a cigarette}
So this is why I sit here tonight,
{Puffs on a cigarette and coughs as he speaks}
As for the rest, I hope they don't lose sight.
Scene 2.The light fades on two boys who are in the coffee room during the wake.
Man I can't stay at this wake any longer. This sucks. I tell you that's not how I'm going
down. Making people line up to see your fam, and for what Mike, so some girl can cry
and feel bad for you?
That's not the point Matt, a wake is to let people mourn, it's like a way to remember the
person who's died, and let people say goodbye. It helps.
Not me man, I'm having a dance so people can celebrate my life and all my
accomplishments. There's not gonna be any sad songs, just good old rock and roll.
So what happens to the people that are crying and miss you, what do they get?
{Enter Jack. Boys Acknowledge him}
Hey, they're invited too.
It's not that easy man. Like some people really need closure, to think back and realize that a person's death was both a loss and a gain.
{Surprised} A Gain? I think this guys death is the only time when it's a gain.
What are you boys arguing about now?
The importance of mourning. I think it's really important to be able to say good-bye to
people you care about.
Yeah, I'd have to go with Mike on this one. You can't just forget about someone's life
ending. People have to express their pain.
What's the use of getting a group of people together so they can remember a dead guy, how he loved his wife or how he was such a good father. Or how-
-It's just the way things are done. People can relate and share their feeling in an effort to
gain closure.
So why are we stuck here? I mean I'm president, I have to go. And
Matt you won Home-coming King so your forced, and then to round it off we got Mr. Team Spirit. Congratulations on the All-star, Mike.
But seriously we didn't know this guy.
Yeah really who was this guy?
Probably some band loser who couldn't take wacking off every night so he popped some pills.
Na, it wasn't pills man it was some acid that went bad.
My point is he killed himself because-
-Na, he didn't kill himself man he just had bad acid. I guess it was his first time and he didn't know what he was buying. {Exit}
I think the point is-is that he's a nobody and we shouldn't to have to sit around in here
and fake like we're sad.
Yeah, Hey if your gonna drop by yourself, you're too much of a loser to even bother with. If your gonna get wrecked at least have some ladies there to help you out.
Hey, like I said, {Motioning his hands as to masturbate}
Yeah well enough about this depressive stuff, you still heading to the dance tonight?
Hey, I put them on and the ladies put out.
But the dance is at seven and the service isn't over till eight, Jack.
What? I've come to the stupid wake. I can ditch the funeral.
Oh, your smooth Jack, but really, didn't Smith almost cancel on us?
Man that was a fucking close one. I mean it's okay that we get a half-day off school for this guy's memory or whatever but to cancel a fucking dance, the last dance for us I might add, would have been bad. {Sips some water}
Can you believe that he only got us a half-day off, man if I died I hope I'm important
enough for a full day? But I guess in this guys case its O.K.
Oh get this {sarcastically} I told Smith that it would be better for the students if we had a dance. Then we could have a moment of silence for Gary's memory.
Garret. {Correcting}
The guys name its Garret not Gary.
Yeah that's what I said, {Pauses as if to regain thought} Yeah so smith is eating all this up. Like he thinks I'm really worried about the students. Then Smith says to me Jack I really have to commend you on your humanitarian work. I could just see it then {Arms out declaring} and the winner of the Co-op fuels humanitarian scholarship is Jack.
{Applause sounds}
{Clapping} Bravo Jack, Bravo.
So are you going to have a moment of silence.
If it makes the ladies easier to get on. But probably not.
{Enter Steve}
Come on lets go have a smoke.
Not me. Those things will kill ya.
{exit Matt}
How are you handling this Jack?
Not that bad {Pausing, Trying to remember name} Guy.
It's Steve.
Yeah I know. I call everyone Guy.
Probably not what?
When I came in you said. Probably not.
Oh. Matt was just asking me if I was going to be O.K. tonight when I give the moment of silence for Gary. I said I'd probably start crying.
How did you know he like to be called Gary?
Well we weren't real close but I'd have to say we were pretty good friends.
Bull Shit Jack. I bet you today was the first time you saw him.
He was in my English class last term. I think I know what he looks like.
What color are his eyes?
What did I say I was his gay lover and we stared into each other's eyes?
You don't know do you?
Yeah I do, {pausing} They were blue.
Lucky guess. {Crosses to water, Takes a sip}
So, your dance almost got cancelled. That would've been a shame. All your work down
the drain. Sure hope there's more people at the dance than this wake.
Me too. But at least the people at the dance won't have to go through what we're going through.
How do you mean?
This wake. It's not like any of us want to be here. We're paying our respects for some
loser right?
What if it was your funeral, would you want people to come or just go to a dance.
People wouldn't be forced to go to my wake. They'd go because they actually cared.
Who forced you to go to this?
Come on, think about it. I'm the fucking President, and if I don't go to a classmate's
wake, Man, people would think I was Heartless.
Yeah, that'd be a shame.
Think about it. I have a certain reputation I must hold with the rest of the students and
especially the faculty-
So is it guilt that forces you to attend or just fear of what people
will think?
It's not guilt. I don't know who the guy was.
Exactly, to you he's just a Guy.
And what is he to you Mr. Humanitarian.
His parents used to play bridge with mine.
See, you too are forced here not because you cared, but because of certain conditions that
caused you to think you had to come. {Walking out} Face it Steve we're all in the same boat.
Scene 3.Steve sits by himself as Mike walks in. Steve does not acknowledge him. Mike
approaches Steve
Your Steve right. You played rec basketball last summer.
Yeah, but why did I guy like you play rec?
Well I started to play for the juniors but the coach was this real prick. I mean losing was
not in his vocabulary. It was only summer league and I just wanted to have fun, winning
isn't everything. So two weeks into it I quit. So anyway, there was this guy who tried
out. He totally sucked but it he had a lot of heart. I think all he ever wanted was to belong
to something. And that's the story on how I know Gary.
His name was Garret. I knew him too, but not from rec league. Our parents were good
friends so we kind of always got stuck with each other.
Actually, he'd rather us call him Gary. So you got stuck with him, Well I don't think he
would of thought the same thing. When he tried out for ball all he'd talk about was how
much he looked forward to going out with you. He thought you were the king of the
I don't get it. We barely did anything, when he'd come over all he wanted to do was
down town, but I always said no. We weren't real friends.
Oh, then why did you come here?
Cause I was afraid nobody else would've.
So your just making sure he has enough fans.
What would you do if this guy, that no one liked--probably because they never bothered--annoyed you truthfully. I gave him a shot and he was an idiot. I mean, I don't have to
worry about what people think of me like Jack, I just didn't really like him. Not because
he wasn't cool enough, just cause he was...{Pause}
What was he?
You know, I don't even think I found out. God I wish I could've found out.
{Steve pauses}
Well when you find out, tell me.
{Exit Mike}
{Enter Young lady with a note}
Are you Steve?
{Steve acknowledges her}
There was a letter in my brothers room. It had the name Steve written on the envelope. Well anyway I figured you might like to have it.
{Messenger Exits}
Why is it always when people die,
Their life becomes a historical time,
Even if their life was just a lie,
Or if they committed a brutal crime
So what about the life of young Gary,
Where is his Life and Times Show,
But his life had no weight to carry,
And now no one will ever Know.
I wish I could go back to that night,
When he called to drop the 'cid.
I would have been more polite.
His parents would still have a kid.
I ended the call which ended his life.
Memories and his name are my knife
Scene 4. Outside on step. Matt and Jack are arguing as Mike watches
That Still doesn't prove that the movie couldn't of happened.
Well what was the reason the first Terminator went back?
To kill Sarah Connor, because her son would lead the human revolt.
Right. Now who was John's Father?
The guy who was sent back to protect Sarah.
Exactly, If the first Terminator wasn't sent back, then the father of John wouldn't have either. John was born because the terminators wanted him dead. How can that be? All the robots had to do was, nothing, in order to stop the revolt. They created the micro-chips from the ones the found from the first one. But how did they invent the first one? They call them paradoxes man, and the movie's full of them.
I don't get it-
Would you just drop it, man I know its hard but try to respect this guy a little. Just because you didn't know Gary doesn't mean you have to bring the philosophy of Terminator into his wake.
Man You don't even know his name and your trying to tell us to respect the guy. His
name was Garret.
{sarcastically} Oh I'm sorry, did I say Gary boy I guess you guys know a lot more about
him then I do, man I feel dumb.
Don't worry about it I made the same mistake a while ago but that other guy Steve
pointed it out. Which reminds me try not to act like this doesn't matter around him, I
think they were friends or something.
So what do we care, that guys got no weight with the ladies or anything.
Yeah but he seems bitter towards the fact that we're here. He could say something that
might embarrass us or worse, we could actually look like bastards and he could look like
some moral guy.
Maybe you got competition for this Co-op Fuels Scholarship?
Fuck! Your right. He could look real good. That prick he's just doing this to spite me, I
probably didn't like some idea he had for the winter carnival and now he taking out his
revenge. Shit What do I do?
You better stay here and pretend like you care about this guy.
{ Not concerned. Playing devils advocate} But no one here will give you money or
recommend you, maybe the dance will have more teachers looking at you. Maybe Steve is
going to the dance, if you both are there then you'll get picked to make a speech or
something. If he's only there they'll pick him.
Good call Mike, the moment of silence at the dance will put me over the top, no one will
see this guys fake sorrow if he stays here and we go to the dance. So when are we going
to go.
Wait a minute I'll just look like wannabe if I go, I better stay here so I don't look like I'm
just doing what you do.
Okay but what about you Mike?
It might come to you as a surprise but I'm actually here to pay respects to a fellow Falcon.
{Matt and Jack look at each other in shock as if they have just been betrayed}
Oh {pauses as Mike leaves} That's cool.
So are you going now to get ready?
I can't go just yet, I need you to go and see what Steve is going to do. And besides why bother getting changed, the funeral clothes will really win the school over. If Steve's going to the dance it may screw my plans up. You have to go and talk with him, and find out what he's doing.
No problem... so what do I ask?
Just make sure he is staying here for the whole thing. Pretend like you care.
{Matt Leaves}
Sometimes people can shock you,
You think they're all around swell guys,
Then you find what really is true,
And They're life is filled with lies,
I see he wants to ruin my dance,
And make it filled with grief,
The prick doesn't have a chance,
He forgets that I'm still the chief.
So if he comes and tries to talk,
There might be a little violence,
But if he stays then let us rock,
After my one minute of siolence.
Lord now forgive me for this sin,
But it's a scholarship I have to win.
Scene 5 Light Dims on Jack. Fades in on Mike who has just entered room. Steve sits reading a letter. Steve and Mike's conversation is sarcastic when Matt enters
Listen whatever I say just go along with it.
Trust me.
{Enter Matt}
So Steve you must feel proud that Smith asked you to give the speech tonight.
Yeah {Finally catching on} Yeah, well he just sent me this letter asking me to and well I
thought about saying no cause... Jack would probably do a better job.
Maybe your right.
But then I thought boy this would really make me popular and then maybe I could become
Jack's friend.
Hey that could really make you popular. But what would you say.
Probably something sad like that I really was sad cause me and {over-pronounces} Garret
were such good friends
Bravo Steve. Bravo. {Pauses as if to just realise Matt} Oh hey Matt hows it going.
Good I guess. So Steve, Smith really asked you to speak at the dance.
Yeah, right before the moment of silence. Why
I guess I just didn't know that there was going to be-
Talking or a moment of silence, cause I mean there was always going to be a moment of
silence right. Cause Jack, was, like, talking about how much he was going to cry, right?
{confused} Well, Yeah... I mean... Talking... I just thought that Jack would-
-Talk? because he was such good friends with Gary or because he was the president?
His name was Garret, so I guess you didn't know him as well as Jack. But I thought since Jack is the president he would naturally talk.
But is that because he was friends with Gary or just cause he's supposed to?
Well At least he gets his name right, and that's more then you can say.
I'm sorry Matt, I guess I should let Jack talk. Maybe he did know Gary, I mean Garret,
better then me.
So are you going to talk tonight or not?
Well I guess I'll have to think about it more.
No offence Steve, but you should leave the public speaking to Jack, he's better at it and he
can keep Garret's name straight.
Wow, Matt thanks for looking out for me your a real friend.{Steve Hugs Matt. Matt is uncomfortable with it}
No problem. So you're not going?
Maybe not or Maybe-Maybe.
{Exit Matt}
{Steve reads letter a voice is heard as Garret's words are read}
Dear Steve, How are you? I guess if you are Steve and your reading this I either slit my
wrist as planned or ran away and never returned to see you again. You know It wasn't
really my fault that I never fit in. I guess I just didn't have it, but you've got it Steve, and
don't waste it. If I did slit my wrist and you're going to got to my funeral please don't go.
I would rather you held some party or something celebrating my life, I don't want there to
be any chance for mourning cause there might not be enough to fill a church. I'd rather no
funeral then a small one. So plan some party for me. Don't let anyone make a deal about
it. I don't want any moments of silence or crap. It's bull. Well I'll either see you when
your dead at your funeral, or, if I'm already dead, I'll see you in heaven. That's if they let
suiciders in these days.
Fuck him I'm sick of this,
Of all this pretending.
Is it my fault I didn't like him?
I've been so indifferent but at least I knew him.
For now on I'm not playing their games.
No more funerals or dances,
They're not for the dead
they're for the living.
Garret wanted a dance he can have it.
But I'm not leaving here cause he said to,
I'm leaving here cause I've finally woke up.
Suiciders, the only ones brave enough to leave all the games and face the truth.
Scene 7. Steve enters the STEPS as the three are going back inside. Jack stops.
Aren't you comin' Jack
Yeah I'll be there... I'm gonna have a smoke first.
But you don't-
{Hushing} I said I'll be there in a second.
{Exit Matt and Mike}
{lights up} So hows the PR work going?
Not bad. Listen about the dance.
I'm not going.
{excited but holding back} Oh Okay, but I thought you were going to make a speech.
That was just some bull Mike wanted me to say. Unlike him I don't play games.
Well do you have any points you wanted to make that maybe I can say.
Unlike you I don't make speeches either.
Well you knew him right. Um maybe a story or something he was interested in.
He wanted to be popular. Maybe you should ask Matt. Unlike Matt I-
-Wasn't Popular?
No. I was going to say I would tell the truth.
What do you mean?
I didn't like him Okay. He was a loser. I'm here because of certain conditions that
caused me to think I had to come.
Join the club.
No Jack you guys are different. I was just indifferent, but not anymore.
My conditions were guilt cause I thought for a second that my life had an impact on his
for the worse. The truth is I acted like a bastard to him, and compared to guys like you I
came off like a saint. But you guys came cause here someone might be lookin'. You
know that a teacher could peek in and see. Oh look It's Jack wow, he's a real
humanitarian. Let's give him some money.
Anyways, lets try to keep things civilized, it is a funeral you know. Can I have a cigarette?
{Butting out the cigarette} You can have the whole pack I'm sick of that game too.
{Exit Steve to Room}
Hey Steve, hows the speech going. Did Jack give you any tips?
I'm not giving the speech.
Did you tell Jack that?
Yeah, and the next time you wanna play mind games with people count me out.
Maybe that's for the better Steve. No offence but when it comes to public speaking Jack's just better than any of us. So are you going stay for the whole funeral?
{To Mike} See I told you he was just like us. You can probably get a ride with me to the
dance if you want.
I'm not going to the dance either. And don't you ever compare me to you guys.
Yeah now that I think about it, your worse. You're too lazy to go to either.
What do you think the point of a funeral is?
To celebrate a persons life and accomplishments.
{To Mike} And you.
To gain closure in the loss of a person. It's a way of finding strength in numbers.
Those are probably the most commonly known reasons for having a funeral.
Congratulations, you passed test one. But now the hard part. Mike you say it's to help
heal people right, or gain closure right. Well how much fucking closure are you feeling
right now, and how much strength are you finding in these numbers?
Well I didn't know him, so I don't really feel anything.
Then why did you come? Did Jack make you do it? You know, everybody else is doing it'. Except this time you're wrong cause no one's here to see you. So you better run to the dance so all the teachers can see what swell guys you are. Matt, you think it's to celebrate a life right. Okay name one accomplishment Gary has made?....come on the clocks ticking'.
I don't know, I didn't know him, you tell me?
Well here's the thing I knew him...and you what I have to say about his accomplishments?
{Yelling} NOTHING. He came over to my house every Sunday night, and I can't remember anything good he's ever fucking done. But at least I know that for a fact. You guys are just here cause you don't know what else to do. And with one mention of a dance you'll be gone partying. Maybe you can celebrate his life there, and find lot's of strength in the high numbers that will be there. Either way your still just a bunch sheep, following the herd.
{Enter Jack} And here comes the Sheep dog himself.
What are you talking about?
Ask him what he thinks a funerals for.
I think you just did, Matt.
It has nothing to do with what's going on here tonight. You know Steve, I know you
probably hate us all, but really, what were we supposed to do. I can't just not go like all
the others, I've got to be a role model for the rest of the school. And maybe there's not a
lot of people here but at least there's some.
Jack, would you rather a small funeral where only four guys plus the family goes, or no
funeral at all?
I don't think that's going to be a problem in my case, or these guys.
Oh that's right you guys are King shits of the school. You got your big athlete who's all
for team spirit, you got your King of Kings Matt, who, now that Gary's dead knows
everyone in the school. Then finally you get to Jack the biggest ass of them all. Jack's
great he can give speeches about dead guys he didn't even know. But I got a secret for
you all. You wanna hear?
{Little laugh} In about oh five weeks all the trophies you've won, debates and crowns you've won, aren't gonna a mean Shit. You'll all be back to square one with me once schools over. All those memories of greatness are going to be washed away, ready for the next litter of bastards and all around swell guys to come in and do the same. Maybe the guy who gets killed will have a different name but I'm sure their stories will be as great as yours. The most ironic thing in this whole little saga is that Garret will probably be more famous than you all. Hell, they usually give a whole page in the year book to the lucky fellow who dies during the year.
It's not our fault. I mean what are we supposed to do?
I'm going home.
Aren't you going to stay for the service?
Why pay respects for someone I didn't respect.
{Exits to STEPS}
What do we do now Jack?
We go to the dance and try to invent some respect for this guy
{Exit to STEPS}
Scene 9. Jack is on his to dance Steve stops him.
Off to the ball Cinderella?
I'm going give a speech and a moment of silence for him.
If you want to know the truth Garret never wanted anything like that, he just wanted to
have a party to celebrate his life. Why don't you just have the dance in his name, with
speeches or moments of silence.
But if I don't I'll look like I don't care.
Care for what, a scholarship or someone's last will and testament?
{Enter Mike and Matt}
I guess we'll find out when we get there.
{Exeunt all but Steve}
There go the three wise men.
Off to save the world.
Or to save themselves.
Their only indifference was his name.
Was it Gary?
Or was it Garret?
To his friends:
It was Gary,
And so to them,
It was just
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