Canada Dreams
Holy Cow holds the feel of the cow who came to me in a dream. I thought at first that it was a bull. I dreampt that I was walking through the woods in the back of my land. I was walking with my dog, and a fox, on my right side, and ox/bull/cow on my left preceded by a squirrel with leaves instead of fur in front. At first I thought the ox was a bull and male, but as I studied the image I found that the ox was female. When I leaned against it it was soft and gentle. When I banged against it I bounced off. This pastel shows the feminine aspect of the ox.
The pastel is 17"X23" on a Dark Green mat. Completed 1987. $700.00 Can. framed.

Entrance to John's works, The Bull Dream, Primitive Truth, The Messengers, Inner Work, The Ancestors, and Current

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